Monday, July 10, 2006


The last time I wrote about "needing to make my blog more interesting" was approximately 17 days ago!!! I may not be so good at this blog thing!!!
So, at the risk of boring you totally just to make a blog entry, I'll end here. I'll be thinking of something that I feel comfortable sharing on the internet for the whole world to read in the next few days (as if the whole world WOULD read my blog), but there is just something about being "out there" and exposed to the world that I'm a little leary about. Does anyone have any thoughts on that? I'd love to hear them. Thank you!


Kristi said...

Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog!!! :) You're so sweet!

Tami@ourhouse said...

Can I break into the Thomas world for a moment to ask how you got psychodelic baby photos? Just wondering.
I feel the same way about having my thoughts 'out there', even though no one reads my blog! I sometimes wish I could go back to anonymous land, and often think it would be easier to have a blog that no one in my real world knew about. Scott told me that if I don't think my real friends and family should be reading, then neither should anyone else because my thoughts are not yet ready to 'publish'. I have a lot more in my head to write, but some thoughts are not ready to be shared, especially in written form, which can be easily misread or misinterpreted.
Those are my thoughts on being 'out there'. Love you!

Anonymous said...

OK, so which part 'scares' you? Having your private thoughts available to public scrutiny? Are you afraid that somebody might find offense or disagreement with something you have to say or just plain find you too boring or shallow? Or is it the risk of advertising yourself and your family to all the internet weirdos and psychos out there who might take advantage of the information you give to in some way harm you or your family? Because if it's the first one, I say "Posh!" Write it anyway, you are who you are and who you are is how God made you and we're not supposed to depend on other people's opinions of ourselves, right?? :D But if it's the last one, you just need to exercise a little internet safety. It's a good point though because I just realized last week or so that I've taken all these measures to stay safe like not including the information about where I live anywhere in my blog. Even on Catie's dance recital pictures I blurred the name of the dance company on the banner that was hanging on the stage. But I realized last week that I have a link on my blog to my home church! So, it's a tricky thing. But something that I really try to be aware of, too. I don't think you're crazy. :)

Kristi said...

Thank you guys for your kind words!

ps. Tami, our computer has a cool program that does those weird pictures! :)

This Journey of Mine said...

You know recently one of my friends here at home "attacked" my blog, saying that she didn't think this was "really me." It hurt me greatly, because I felt as though she didn't understand me. Then it occured to me that those who know me in person just get the beginning of what goes on in my head. When I write/blog the rest comes out in a new way, sometimes serious, sometimes funny. I know for me, I am learning that blogging is more about a "release" for me. Barely anybody really reads my blog and I am okay with that. The choice of blogging is a way for me to be fulfilled, not for everyone else. And if I do somehow make a difference in someones day b/c they just happened to come to my site, then Praise the Lord and may He be the One who makes the difference in that persons day!